Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Egg Drop Ramen

Egg Drop Ramen

This ramen noodle recipe is similar to egg drop soup, though not quite as thick.   I always liked this and M.A.T mentioned it in the comments earlier.

one egg
one ramen noodle packet
two cups water

Submit to ramennoodlerecipes@gmail.com

(1)Boil Water, Add noodles and flavor, Boil for about 2 min.  Reduce heat to med-low

(2)Beat one egg in a small dish, WHILE stirring ramen noodle soup, slowly pour in egg.

(3)Eggs are cooked almost immediately, and soup is ready to serve.

Ramen Noodle Recipe Submitted By;
lolwat at http://random-ea.blogspot.com/

Submit pictures for this Ramen Noodle Recipe at ramennoodlerecipes@gmail.com and get credit for your submission here.



  1. I'm going to try this next time I make ramen.

  2. And some kimchi with my ramen.. so good.

  3. I'm gonna try this looks tasty.

  4. Ramen! The absolute best meal for anytime of day! Great post and I will be following to learn more.

  5. You guys can try this without beating the egg beforehand, just drop that mofo in. I try not to punture the yoke and just let it become somewhat solid before I start eating it. The texture of the cooked yoke and the hot soup is delicious.

  6. I lvoe ramen noodle soups but I fear the sodium content would be counter productive to my desire to drop 25-40 pounds :>
    Keep the recipes coming though. exercise/eating healthy doesnt mean not having a "good thing" on occasion :D
